Childhood Vaccinations



Bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis) is a common condition in young children, but becomes less common as children grow older. Bedwetting can be a worrying and frustrating experience for both parent and child. Many parents don’t seek medical advice until it begins to affect their child’s social life, preventing them from going to sleepovers.   It is

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Constipation is a common condition that affects people of all ages, but is particularly common in babies and young children. In Ireland, almost one in three parents has reported constipation at some point in their child’s life.   Constipation occurs when your child is unable to pass poo regularly or completely empty their bowl. Your

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Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity is a major health concern for children in Ireland. Research indicates that one in four children in Ireland is now overweight or obese.   Children who are very overweight tend to grow up to obese adults, and this can lead to serious health conditions such as heart disease, type-2 diabetes and some cancers

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Asthma is a very common condition in Ireland. In fact, Ireland has the fourth highest rate of asthma in the world.   Asthma is a narrowing of the airways so much so that it becomes difficult to breathe. Symptoms include coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. Many children with asthma experience mild symptoms that are

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The Common Cold

Children are particularly prone to colds and flu as it takes time for their immune system to build up resistance to these viruses. Colds and flu can occur all year around, but are especially common during the winter months.   A cold can be very unpleasant for your child, but it usually clears up by

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The Flu Vaccine

The flu (influenza) vaccine is a safe and effective way to protect your child from the influenza virus.   The flu is a highly infectious and acute respiratory (breathing) illness that is caused by the influenza virus. It affects people of all ages and commonly occurs during the winter months.   Although anyone can get

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Childhood Vaccinations

Childhood vaccinations are a safe and effective way to protect your child against certain vaccine-preventable diseases.   All children and young people in Ireland are entitled to vaccinations listed on the primary childhood immunisation schedule free of charge. Vaccinations are not mandatory, but they are strongly recommended by the health authorities for two reasons: To

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